Review of Literature
A child’s mind is like a little sponge. It will soak up information just as if it were soaking up water. If we take the time to educate our children about making healthy food choices and how to avoid getting an infection or illness we will be helping to make a huge step in promoting healthy living to the environment in which they will then grow up in.
A nurse can assist in promoting a healthy lifestyle by educating our children in their choices eating healthy food, and in preventing illness in proper hand washing techniques.
Health promotion is the practice of allowing individuals to increase their own control over, and to improve their health. The purpose of health promotion is to monitor and evaluate …show more content…
The information provided incudes the pathophysiology of the disease, any other conditions it may lead too, and then will educate on the implementation of measures necessary to maintain one’s health in order to remain free of the disease and its effects.
When an individual’s lifestyle is setting them up for a decline in their health due to their current routine, such as not eating properly, the nurse may then proceed with education using a “Secondary Method” or teaching. In using this method the nurse has depicted from the assessment an area of unhealthy behavior. Education will be provided to move that individual away from any unhealthy behavior before any symptoms occur.
After an individual has been diagnosed with a disease in order to maintain their maximum medical capacity all measures should be done to promote their health and keep them from declining in their condition. By using the “Tertiary Method” of education the nurse focuses on the types of care that will help the individual to reduce the effects of that …show more content…
With planning, and then purchasing the food children are taught proper nutrition in the early stages of their lives. They learn to develop their taste buds to foods that are good for them. And as unhealthy choices may appear and they eventually eat that food, ultimately they will resort back to eating what they grew up with due to the flavor of a good apple or orange compared to say the flavor of some deep fried fattening food item.
World Diabetes Day (November 14) offers a wonderful opportunity to educate elementary children about the power they have to control their health. First lady Michelle Obama has urged Americans to educate themselves about childhood obesity which is often associated with the onset of type II diabetes. We describe several engaging activities that teach elementary children about diabetes and how to prevent its onset by making healthful decisions about diet and exercise. Teachers teach "kids to mix knowledge with personal action. Now that is power!" (Field-Berner & Balgopal 2011)
One question that is asked frequently in healthcare is what method is best used to prevent the spread of and risk of catching an illness. The answer is always “Hand