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We all assume that we are in good health and that this is a normal state, and we always feel sorry for the people we class as ill or are suffering. Some people can be ill and not even know that they are unwell.
In this essay the author is going to look at the biomedical and social model of health and talk about the influences these have on a person’s behaviour, physical and emotional development. To be well is to be absent of any illness or disease. An illness is how the patient responds to a disease and whether they feel pain or discomfort. A disease is an abnormality within the body that has a biological cause. The author will also be looking at the family and whether or not it is important to help promote or damage a person’s health, and their surroundings.
In this essay the author has found that there are many factors to which a person’s health behaviour can be influenced. The main influences are the environment, education, health care, relationships. It is a matter of nature v’s nurture as they both influence a person.
To be in good health is to be free of any illnesses or diseases, an illness is how a person responds to a disease whereas a disease is seen as an abnormality which has a biological cause.
There are many influences and social factors that can cause someone to become ill or diseased or unhealthy, these can be a person’s surrounding, family life or even work or environmental factors. There are many other factors that can influence a person for instance a person’s own life style choices, whether they decide to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or to take drugs can defiantly change a person’s health related behaviour. There are also factors of genetics, what you are born with, these can make you ill depending on what genes you are born with, if a parent has HIV then the child has a high risk of contracting the virus at birth or