After studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following:
A. Explain Recruitment
B. Describe Sources of Recruitment
C. Identify alternatives to recruitment
D. Understand Recruitment – an applicant’s perspective
E. Evaluate the Recruitment Process
Today we will discuss about the first step of staffing function which is Recruitment. We begin this lecture by presenting the recruitment process. This section is followed by internal recruitment methods, external recruitment sources, and external recruitment methods. Finally, recruitment evaluation will be discussed.
A. Recruitment:
Recruiting refers to the process of attracting potential job applicants from the available labor force. Every organization must be able to attract a sufficient number of the job candidates who have the abilities and aptitudes needed to help the organization to achieve its objectives. An effective employee selection procedure is limited by the effectiveness of recruiting process. Outstanding job candidates cannot be selected if they are not included in the applicant pool.
The recruitment process also interacts with other personnel functions, especially performance evaluation compensation training and development and employee relations. Recruiting is typically a human resource function. In planning recruiting activities, an organization needs to know how many applicants must be recruited. Since some applicants may not be satisfactory an others may not accept the job offers, an organization must recruit more applicants than it expects to hire. Yield Ratios help organizations decide how many employees to recruit for each job opening. These ratios express the relationship between the number of people at one step of the recruitment process relative to the number of people who will move to the next step.
Now we will discuss the different sources of recruitment that are available to