Every task is undertaken with an objective. Without any objective a task isrendered meaningless. The main objectives for undertaking this project are:1. To understand the Recruitment and Selection Process at Escorts ConstructionEquipment Limited.2. To give suitable recommendations to streamline the hiring process.3. To Study the Challenges faced by HR in recruitment.4. To Study recent trends in Recruitment Process
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. Init, we study the various steps that are generally adapted by a researcher instudying research problem along with logic behind them.It includes the formulating of research problem, study of literature, collecting thedata, analyzing that data and making interpretations of that data. Researchmethodology used:
Study of Recruitment and Selection at Escorts Construction EquipmentLimited by the manual provided by the HR department.
Web sites.
is the process by which organizations locate and attract individualsto fill job vacancies. Most organizations have a continuing need to recruit newemployees to replace those who leave or are promoted in order to acquire newskills and promote organizational growth.Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effectivemeasures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitateeffective selection of an efficient workforce.”Recruitment is a ‘linking function’, joining together those with jobs to fill and thoseseeking jobs. It is a ‘joining process’ in that it tries to bring together job seekersand employer with a view to encourage the former to apply for a job with thelatter. In order to attract people for the jobs, the organization mustcommunicate the position in such a way that job seekers respond