How do we maintain our teeth healthy?
Standards addressed (science, NGSS, Common Core)
Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences at Three Levels
Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness - Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
Health Education 1. Students possess basic knowledge and skills which support positive health choices and behaviors.
This is evident, for example, when students demonstrate health practices such as washing hands, covering one’s mouth when coughing or sneezing, and brushing and flossing teeth
NYS ELA Standard
Speaking and Listening …show more content…
• Open Wide: Tooth School Inside by Laurie Keller
• Smart board to play video.
• First 2 minutes – “Dentist Video (Sesame Street)” (
• Internet to watch the video “Sesame Street: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush PSA” (
• Raffi “Brush Your Teeth” (
Engage—Capture the students’ attention and assess prior knowledge
What am I doing?
• I will play the video “Sesame Street: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush PSA.”
• I will ask the students to submerse a hard-boiled egg (one per students) in dark soda and ask the students what they think it will happen to the eggs.
• I will explain that we will find out what happens to the eggs on the following day.
What are my students doing?
• Students will be sitting on the rug.
• Students will watch the video.
• Students will watch the beginning of the experiment and make predictions.
Explore—Teacher hands on experiences to facilitate exploration. Students define the problem and explain it in their own words. Students work with each other each other to make sense of the concept. This part of the process takes