As previously mentioned, management staff plays a key role in fostering a supportive, collaborative and cohesive team that is communicative when conflict arises. Having said that, hiring knowledgeable and approachable management staff who are trained in conflict management is an integral strategy for organizations to adopt. Additionally, organizational strategies should be focused on the development of policies and procedures in managing, reporting, following-up, and monitoring of conflict within the organization (Brinkert, 2010). Creating policies such as an open-door policy or no tolerance policy allows staff to feel comfortable in voicing concerns without fear or intimidation, and ensures that staff members are supported when conflict arises (Johnston, Phanhtharath, Jackson, 2009). Moreover, strategies that incorporate the transfer of conflict management skills and education to staff is vital. Educating staff through interactive workshops or focus groups for instance, gives staff the opportunity to learn about conflict, identify their conflict styles, and learn appropriate conflict resolution methods (Sheridan-Leos, …show more content…
As stated by the CNO National Competencies, “Entry‐level registered nurses are beginning practitioners whose level of practice, autonomy and proficiency will grow best through collaboration, mentoring and support from registered nurse colleagues, managers, other health care team members and employers” (CNO, 2009, p.4). The implementation of innovative and effective strategies is critical in working towards a HWE, as outlined by the RNAO framework. With the aging nursing workforce and nursing shortage, creating work environments emphasizing positive relationships that will retain nurses is important. While conflict is inevitable, frequent conflict is detrimental to the quality of nurses’ work environments, clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, highlighting the importance of the issue (Almost,