Each Year 1.1 Million people in the United States have heart attacks and almost half of them die. It may be surprising that while many women believe breast cancer is most threatening to them, it is a fact that they are eight times more likely to die of a heart attack. Coronary Artery Disease which often leads to a heart attack is by far the leading cause of death of both men and women.
Other Names for a heart attack include the name Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Thrombosis and Coronary Occlusion. A Heart attack occurs when blood supply to part of the heart muscle itself is severely reduced or stopped.
Placque build up is one way of causing a heart attack, deposits of fat like substance this is when plaque blocks in artery and eventually bursting, tearing, and even rupturing where in which a blood clot forms and blocks the artery. This is and when a heart attack takes place. But as well there is also soft and vulnerable plaque in which doctors used to believe that the reason for heart attacks and strokes were the buildup of fatty plaque within an artery leading to the heart or the brain. Researchers are now founding out that people who have heart attacks do not have arteries severely narrowed by plaque but instead plaque may be buried inside the artery wall and might not always buldge out and block the blood flow. But instead inflammation leads to what is called soft or vulnerable plaque in which different cell types help with blood clotting.
Cocaine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant extracted from the leaves of the coca plant, in its most common form cocaine is a whitish crystalline powder that produces feelings of euphoria when ingested. It affects the heart any many ways causing long term damage or even death. several ways would be that the heart will be so fast that it can’t get all the oxygen that it needs, it can cause irregular heartbeats that can