The contexts of the extracts are very different to each other. In ‘Heart of Darkness’, Conrad expresses to the reader that when the novel was published in 1899, life in the Congo was quite dangerous, so when Marlow is attacked by the natives, while on the…
In this quote, when Marlow was traveling, he notices a bunch of people were chained up. He notices they look like slaves. He knew they were labors, by seeing them locked up together. The first thought that came up to his mind, was they are enemies. He had a picture in a mind that these people…
After setting foot on the land and beginning his journey to the Inner Station, Marlow observes a group of slaves, from which a particular one stands out in his decimated clothing and deprived appearance. Marlow, in vain, offers the slave a biscuit immediately before they die of hunger right before his eyes (28). This simple encounter echoes the irrefutable damages caused by imperialism and the idea that no matter what anyone does to try and reverse the effects, including Europeans themselves, the damage that has been done has been set in stone for centuries to come. As noted in Edward Said’s essay critiquing Heart of Darkness, “Conrad… could clearly see… imperialism was pure dominance, [but] he could not conclude that imperialism had to end so that natives could lead lives free of European domination” (Said par. 18). This quote unequivocally supports the notion that Europe became a necessary crutch for Africa, and provides evidence for the transformation of darkness to convey the idea of the long-lasting effects of…
He outwardly castigates Conrad’s novel as being racist and demeaning to non-white cultures. Chinua Achebe criticizes Conrad’s depiction of Africa as being stereotypical in the views of Western culture. One of Achebe’s fundamental arguments is that Conrad is advertising a false version of the African continent and its people. He portrays them as being hostile and uncivilized through the accounts of the main character, Marlow. Achebe is infuriated at this notion because Conrad’s style of writing covers up the true nature of its meaning. He believes that this form of writing emanates from Conrad’s own racist beliefs and upbringings as a child. Specific citations from the story indicate that Conrad put the Europeans on a higher pedestal as he characterizes them as being “illuminating”, and “twinkling” with brilliant ideas (Achebe 3). Conrad’s racism is delineated perfectly when there is an encounter with a black man and he describes his feelings as being “blind, furious, and unreasoning rage” when he encountered this man (Conrad 11). This vast disparity of descriptions of the two races show his inner thoughts and his hatred towards non-whites. According to Achebe "Conrad appears to go to considerable pains to set up layers of insulation between himself and the moral universe of his story”(Conrad 14). This is exactly how Conrad uses his stylistic form of writing to cover up these feelings of hatred and detest towards the African continent and its population. Achebe also points out that Conrad’s depiction of the rivers is a symbolic sign of his inherent racism. He states in his story that "going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world” (Conrad 9). This is referencing the Congo River that led to Africa and Conrad uses a negative connotation in describing…
In the book Heart of Darkness there are several aspects to imperialism. As Marlow travels from the Outer Station to the Central Station and finally up the river to the Inner Station, he encounters scenes of torture, cruelty, and near-slavery. At the very least, the incidental scenery of the book offers a harsh picture of colonial enterprise. The impetus behind Marlow's adventures, too, has to do with the hypocrisy inherent in the rhetoric used to justify imperialism. The men who work for the Company describe what they do as "trade," and their treatment of native Africans is part of a benevolent project of "civilization." Kurtz, on the other hand, is open about the fact that he does not trade but rather takes ivory by force, and he describes his own treatment of the natives with the words "suppression" and "extermination": he does not hide the fact that he rules through violence and intimidation. His perverse honesty leads to his downfall, as his success threatens to expose the evil practices behind European activity in Africa. However, for Marlow as much as for Kurtz or for the Company, Africans in this book are mostly objects: Marlow refers to his helmsman as a piece of machinery, and Kurtz's African mistress is at best a piece of statuary. It can be argued that Heart of Darkness participates in an oppression of nonwhites that is much more sinister and much harder to remedy than the open abuses of Kurtz or the Company's men."Everything belonged…
For instance, when the pilot is struck by a spear from the natives and Marlow is about to remove it, Conrad states that “ he looked at me anxiously, gripping the spear like something precious, with an air of being afraid I would try to take it away from him. I had to make an effort to free my eyes from his gaze…” (122). This piece from the text is metaphor to Africa and how people do not want see or know what they are doing to Africa. Marlow has seen the first-hand effects of imperialism in the Congo but does not come out and show his dissatisfaction but goes along with the violence and cruelty surrounding him station to station. Conrad is showing how people know that others are being slaughtered along with destruction of nature but pretend to turn away from these facts by “ closing their eyes” like Marlow. The reasoning for this is that people know that the reason this is occurring is because of their materialistic needs but they attempt to the hide from the truth. Conrad uses this technique of metaphors to allow the reader to judge right from wrong by giving an understanding and view of what imperialism does. Moreover, Conrad sums the entire purpose of imperialism into a phrase. Conrade practically defines imperialism by stating that it is the “ the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience and…
He wanted to fill out the dark spots on the map that no one has explored before. Through his journey to Africa and his experience there was where he discovered the unfortunate side of Imperialism. Throughout his journey through Africa he witnesses the how unlawful and atrocious Imperialism is. He witnesses many things such as prisoners that were chained to one another, starving Africans, witnessed a handful of dying natives, and he also witnessed beheaded african heads on poles. He witnessed all the negative sides to Imperialism and how gruesome it was. Marlow states, “Just as though I had got a heavenly mission to civilize you” (Conrad 7). This portrays ideas from the White Man’s Burden where Marlow believed that it was his duty to conquer and educate the conquered. He believed that his race was superior and that it was his duty as the superior race to educate and civilize the barbaric natives. However his naivete came to an end as he spent more time in Africa. The more time he spent in Africa the more he realized how cruel they were being to the natives that were living there. He witnesses more and more cruel acts of the White abusing their powers and harming the natives and treating them crudely. It slowly came to his realization that what they were doing wasn’t right and that he didn’t want to believe in this form of…
In Neil Bissoondath’s “I’m Not Racist But…” the narrator intends to bring awareness to his readers on the connection between stereotyping and racism and condemns such acts against one another, while in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness, the protagonist informs his audience on the consequences of African colonization. Bissoondath’s work is oriented to educate the reader in the different types of racial acts leading to hatred, abuse or enforcement of power toward any given group of people. He condemns their use whether ignorantly or intentionally. Conrad’s work however, informs the reader of how the goals of the European settlers in Africa, such as ….., led them to exploit the Africans and their raw materials for the purpose of earning profits.…
In Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness, the geographical surrounding shape the psychological and moral traits in Kurtz, one of the characters of the novel. Especially because it shows the savagery, and lawless environment of the uncivilized lands, which allows Kurtz to almost forget all the European ways, and it also illuminates the work as a whole by bringing the question of what would happen to us if we were to be taken from a civilized world to an uncivilized world.…
The main theme of the novel Heart of Darkness is the darkness of the human nature and its destructive influence on human beings. This research paper aims to analyze the character and personal downfall of Kurtz and use him as an example for the darkness of the human nature. It will show how easily a man can experience bad fate; Kurtz was an ambitious man full of hope who came to Africa in search for wealth and fortune and ended up going insane and dying.…
Some critics believe that in Heart of Darkness Conrad illustrates how ‘’the darkness of the landscape can lead to the darkness of the social corruption.” This statement means that if the environment is dark, then the people in that environment will match the surrounding feeling, which is dark and depressing. For example, if it is a gloomy rainy day, most people feel tired and not as happy. If it is a bright sunny day, the most people feel motivated to get things done and joyful. Yes, this statement is believable because I have noticed that the weather, my surroundings, and even other people’s behaviors around me affect my mood. Today, for instance, it rained all day and the sky was dark, as a result I slept throughout the whole day. So my environment changed my mood negatively. – “It made you feel very small, very lost, and yet it was not altogether depressing, that feeling.” When riding along the river.…
Marlow seeks to pilot a steamboat up the Congo River. This s because he was “… tired of resting” (Conrad 5). He wishes to go on an adventure. An opening was created because of a conflict that occurred to the previous captain. He had gotten into an argument with a chief concerning two black hens. Angered by this, the captain started hitting the chief. Another man (perhaps his son) came to aid the chief by stabbing the captain. This incident may foreshadow future conflict between the whites and blacks.…
IN the Novel Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, Marlow’s Journey down the Congo River can be construed to be metaphoric of many different readings including a psychoanalytical interpretation, a mythical interpretation or a Historical reading. The psychoanalytical approach sees Marlow’s Journey to be a journey into the human psyche and inner consciousness as he goes further down the river. In creating this sense, Conrad has used religious symbols, a more dream-like setting further into his journey and the characterisation of Kurtz. The Mythical approach interprets Marlow’s journey as a reverse romance in which Marlow is on a quest for the truth or in other words Kurtz. Conrad uses inversion…
Marlow’s connection between early London and Africa is a direct correlation to the conquering done by the Romans and the conquering being conducted by Marlow’s crew. In both situations, a superior force in both military strength and power conquer a “savage people” in an untamed land. Conrad begins the novella with this connection to make the reader realized that Marlow knows that what was done was unjust. Also, Marlow makes this point in a boat on the Thames, which drives home his point to his crewmates because the connection lies before their eyes.…
In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the main character, Marlow travels through the Congo, witnessing scenes of torture, cruelty and near-slavery. The incidental scenery of the book offers a harsh picture of colonial enterprise. The book is regarded as an attack on imperialism and criticizes the immoral treatments of the European colonizers in Africa in the 19th century. However, the dehumanization of the Africans, and use of Africa as a backdrop setting for Marlow’s thought process, rather than an important focus has to do with hypocrisy inherent in the rhetoric used to justify imperialism.…