Personally, I don’t think I have problems with being happy although I might appear very quiet and shy most of the time. Don’t get me wrong. Just like everyone, I have my down and up time, time when I question myself and what the future hold, time when I see others are doing greater and time when I yelled the F word more than I am supposed to. Life still sucks, most of the time; however, what I have learned most from going across the globe and aging is choosing to be happy. I know it is cliche, but I always tell myself “it is just a bad day not a bad life” or when it sucks really hard I would just say “no matter how horrible life might be right now, I am still capable of doing things and dreaming. Because of that, as long as there is life, there is hope.” Genuinely speaking, I am quite depressed seeing people complaining about life on social media. You may not know but this gives others the platform to judge you. Yet, I cannot blame them because I was once like that too, and now I am still complaining because talking about your problem is healthy, but I do it to people whom I dearly love to listen to and to share my problem with.
Okay, enough about life. So reading through the book, there are a thing or two that I have learned about “happiness” that Hector has discovered, and he divides them into five ‘families.’
The first type of happiness is rather simple, short but exciting that comes from the moments of joy, from the celebration that you are a part of, from traveling and seeing new things, or simply being in bed with a person you desire.
The second sort of happiness comes from doing something that you love everyday and having a dream to attain ultimately, which is not necessarily work