As I was walking downstairs, the sickness made me feel like a zombie. My dad told me to go get dressed, and I was thinking to myself, doesn’t he know I feel like I just ran for twenty four hours straight? Following his directions, I dragged myself upstairs. The clothes that I was putting on made me feel like I was …show more content…
Inside I was jumping up and down, wanted to scream with joy. I couldn’t stop smiling. She led us inside. The first thing I saw was many plastic boxes with holes on the lid filled with hedgehogs. Because I’ve wanted one so badly, this made the experience even more wonderful. My dad and I got to hold a few of them. One of the hedgehogs pooped on my dad. That made me think that this would be a fun, gross, and exciting time. We narrowed the selection down to two hedgehogs. They were marked with paint in different colors. One of them had a fiery attitude, and the other was sweet, but was returned from college students for some reason. I settled down of the sweet one, to see why they returned her.
As we were returning home, I couldn’t stop smiling and saying thank you. When we returned to the warmness of home, I felt a lot better for some reason. I helped my dad set up her cage, or box, and I held her. She was a little hesitant at first, but then I got to hold her for almost and hour. This was one of my best days of my life.
After this, I named her Gracie Belle. I would try to hold Gracie Belle everyday to make her get used to me. My dog would try to eat her, because his breed hunts mice. My dad and I bought a cage without a roof, so I can play with her. Giving Gracie Belle baths would give me a bunch of personal time with her. It would make me frustrated when she wouldn’t want to be held.
One day I asked my dad “Will Gracie Belle ever like me, she always hisses at me when I try to pick her