Choose an element from the periodic table to interview. Consult your teacher for approval. (2 points)
The element I selected is: Helium
Conduct research on your element. Use the following as a guide for the kind of information you need to learn about your element to successfully complete the assignment. (14 points)
Atomic number 2
Atomic mass 4.002602 ± 0.000002 u
Symbol He
Number of subatomic particles 2 protons 2 neutrons and two electrons
Its position on the periodic table and its chemical properties based on that position /
Typical compounds formed by your element
The history of your element's discovery Pierre Janssen in France first noticed a bright yellow line during an eclipse (1868) Norman Lockyer in England noticed a yellow line in the solar spectrum (1868)Sir William Ramsay discovered helium on earth (1895)
Five uses for your element or its common compounds 1. Main filling for blimps (airships) 2. Used to fill balloons 3. Detects leaks in sealed containers 4. Gas shield for arc welding 5. Pressurizing liquid fuel rockets
Where your element or its compounds can be found in the real world balloons
Find image online of your element. Right click on image and copy Image URL. Paste in field here:
Arrange the information into a coherent interview that consist of an in an introduction followed by alternating questions (to the element) and answers (from the element). Conclude with a summary. In the interview section below please state the questions and answers as they would appear if you where reading a magazine article. Therefore, neatness, spelling, complete thoughts and explanations are all a MUST. (34 points)
--Introduction Sentence: We learning about Helium
1. Question: How many atomic numbers helium