Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management Department
Supervised Experience -- AESHM 470
Requirements for Participating Organizations
Objective: to provide students with an opportunity to integrate their coursework with on-site training.
The student is to be committed to a firm for a period of 10 to 12 weeks during an academic semester or a summer session. Although the exact work assignment for the student is left to the discretion of the firm, we hope that the student will:
1) Complete a minimum of 360 hours for 6 credits, 300 for 5, 240 for 4, or 180 hours for 3 credits during a 10-week period. We believe the more hours a student works the more they will learn and the more responsibility they are given. It is acceptable for a student to work full time for a 3 credit internship.
2) Receive the regular training which is given to new employees, including an orientation to the policies and procedures of the company or organization.
3) Learn about methods and procedures, and be given some specific area of responsibility on which the student can be rated. (Such duties and responsibilities should be clearly explained to the student by a supervisor at the beginning of the Field Experience Program.)
4) Have an opportunity to work closely with individuals in management or supervisory positions and to perform some of their more routine tasks.
5) Be provided with opportunities to experience a variety of tasks in order to develop an understanding of the department or organization.
The student will receive 3 to 6 semester hours of academic credit upon satisfactory completion of the following course requirements.
1. Submission of weekly reports to the faculty supervisor throughout the term of employment.
2. Evaluation of the student's job performance, aptitude, and attitude as rated by the immediate supervisor at the midterm and conclusion of the 10-week Field Experience. A special rating form will be supplied as