Air pollution arises from many sources. The burning of gasoline in automobiles produces harmful gases and incineration of products. From various factories come millions of particles that are carried off in the air. Chemical plants produce gaseous by-products that are toxic when their concentration is high enough. As parts of the world become more industrialized, air pollution has generally increased and new health hazards have developed. Air pollution can result from causes that we can not control. For example, forest fires, dust storms, and volcanoes.
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Acid rain is one of the products of air pollution. Acid rain is created when raindrops combine with the polluted air. Acid rain causes erosion of buildings, destruction of crops, and other assets. Air pollution also causes global warming. . According to some predictions, significant alterations in climate patterns could become apparent in a few years. Estimates of global average temperatures have projected an increase of as much as 9o F before the year 2100.
There are two kinds of sources of air pollution indoor and outdoor air pollution. The indoor air polluters include many products, from cleansers to furnishings, which release harmful organic compounds into the air you breathe. The EPA has measured levels of organic compounds in both rural and suburban homes that range from two to five times the levels of outside air. Another indoor pollutant is called mold, a microscopic