Parents and their kids can discuss this issue and spread the word throughout their neighborhood. This program allows us to give our opinions too. Some may disagree and some may agree, but it is not bad to share your ideas. The thing that I think that is most beneficial to this program is that it is telling that people are getting injured because they don't wear helmets. One example is that studies show that eighty-five to eighty-eight percent of all brain injuries can be avoided by wearing a helmet. This is a really good example that could convince people to start wearing
Parents and their kids can discuss this issue and spread the word throughout their neighborhood. This program allows us to give our opinions too. Some may disagree and some may agree, but it is not bad to share your ideas. The thing that I think that is most beneficial to this program is that it is telling that people are getting injured because they don't wear helmets. One example is that studies show that eighty-five to eighty-eight percent of all brain injuries can be avoided by wearing a helmet. This is a really good example that could convince people to start wearing