
Henry's Revolutionary Speech During The Time Of Colonial America

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Henry's Revolutionary Speech During The Time Of Colonial America
The common purpose of revolutionary speeches during the time of Colonial America is to persuade the common people to become fully independent from the crown. Henry would largely appeal to the listener or readers emotions because that is a big driving force for a lot of people. Henry would reach the rest of the crowd or solidify and concrete his ideas by providing logical details to persuade people. One of the biggest arguments you will see come up is that we have tried to resolve the problem peacefully with Britain but they refuse to cooperate with the colonies, Henry also makes the argument that if we submit to the crown then it will not be like before it will be worse because we will lack any freedoms. Henry in his literature as well as his speeches would constantly try to …show more content…
Doing so has given Henry much support throughout his audience. Henry also presented logical reasoning in his writing towards his audience. “yet it is folly to argue against determined hardness” is a quote out of ‘The Crisis No.1’. Henrys point by saying that is to let people know that Britain is holding a certain stigma of being the most powerful nation at the time. This stigma Britain truly believed because of that there was no point on trying to cut a deal or even argue about the situation because as far as Britain was concerned they were not equals. Henry believed that it would save them precious time if they decided to just declare independence instead of delaying the process which they did and Henry states this by saying “We did not make a proper use of last winter, neither could we while we were in a dependent state” they could not make proper use of their time because they were basically just at a standstill because there was no progress for the colonies when they were under the rule of

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