
Here Follow Some Verses

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Here Follow Some Verses
In her poem “Here Follow Some Verses…”, Bradstreet talks about the events in which her house burned down. One of the topics that she stops herself from diving into is her mourning over the loss of her personal possessions. This topic resurfaces twice in the poem and both times Bradstreet stops herself as if talking about it is a sin.
The first time when she stops herself from morning is within the lines 14-20. Bradstreet writes, “I blest His name that gave and took, that laid my goods now in the dust,” (Bradstreet, 14-15). These two lines establish a sense that she is upset with what God has done to her possessions. In the next two lines “yea, so it was, and so ‘twas just. It was His own, it was not mine,” Bradstreet realizes that the earthly possessions that she had labelled as hers did not, in fact, belong to her but to God (Bradstreet, 16-17). There is a feeling of praise towards God for taking her possessions that she creates in these four lines, as if God has saved her.
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It’s almost as if Bradstreet wants to mourn for the loss of her personal items, but knows that there was a reason God took them from her. While she wants to thank God for doing this for her, she can’t help but feel this sorrow for everything she lost, as well as all the work that has now been burned in the fire. Bradstreet then writes, “in silence ever shall thou lie,” meaning that everything she has ever owned will now lay in its ashes forever, never to be used again (Bradstreet,

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