In fact it very much shapes and defines you (me) personally.
I can't speak for everyone, but my (Italian) heritage is very much evident in every aspect of my life. My religion, my traditions, what we eat, how we love, embrace, dance, celebrate, grieve, all of it.
I am very proud to pass on this heritage to my children too, and am grateful and fortunate to have the roots that I do. Passion drives us, sometimes that is good and sometimes that's not so good, but at least we feel and we love.
I will never forget the first time my children and I watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". We were just exploding in laughter throughout, because our culture and the Greek culture are very similar, and we could just relate to every aspect of that movie. It was brilliantly done and reflected family life, it's expectations and the culture, beautifully.
I don't agree with people who think heritage isnt important. Although I do understand that it doesn't mean much to some, perhaps rightfully so, in that history isn't always kind to all or it may seemingly have no relevance. But I do believe the lack of roots, the lack of some sort of foundation, is what is messing up a lot of people in today's world.
Having some sense of self, through one's heritage, gives people something to live by, a base to start, somewhere to begin. I'd rather have that, than be wandering around aimlessly and lost spending my whole life in search of who I am.
I know who I am, and my past, whether I like it or not, very much shaped my foundation. I'm not saying I conformed and settled and became a cookie cut out of those who came before me, but I very much appreciate the heritage I do have, what it has brought to my life, and I CHOOSE to keep it a part of me or at least close to my heart.
My children understand the value of this too and understand that