
Heritage Assessment Tool

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Heritage Assessment Tool
The Heritage Assessment Tool
Jenna Franz
Grand Canyon University
Family- Centered Health Promotion
Melinda Darling
April 20, 2013 The Heritage Assessment Tool
Do to changing in the ways of communication and different cultures no longer having restrictions of geographical areas, health care is having to make changes in the way patients are assessed and treated. “Adapting to different cultural beliefs and practices requires flexibility, and respect for other viewpoints.”("Cultural Diversity in Nursing," 2013, para. 2) The heritage assessment tool was developed to help healthcare professionals become better aware of a patient’s and patient families ethnic, cultural, and religious beliefs, through a series a questions that help identify these differences and beliefs. In this paper of summary of assessment results from four different families from different cultural groups will be provided and a summary of how this tool would be incorporated to help with teaching health promotion and prevention based the differences identified.
Differences in Health Maintenance
Two of the families interviewed although from different racial backgrounds family one Caucasian, and family two African American, they have very similar views due to both families having ties to the medical profession across generations. The views of families three and four differ because of their racial and cultural backgrounds. Families one through three all had similar views of family as they all had regular family interaction with extended family members during their youth and continued these relationships and continue to maintain these relationship for their own children. Family one being Caucasian maintained close family ties with visits weekly and Holidays and special occasions. Family two being African American with ties to military and traveling distances had less frequent visits being more on Holidays and special occasions, but stated and closeness with extended family

References: Blais RN EdD, K. K., Hayes RN PhD, J. S., Kozier RN, MN, B., & Erb RN BSN, G. (2007). Chapter 21. In Professional Nursing Practice Concepts and Perspectives (5 th ed., p. 382). Upper Saddler River, New Jersey: Julie Levin Alesander. Culturall Competence. (2013). Retrieved from Edleman, C., & Mandle, C. (2010). Emerging Populations and Health. In Louis, & Mosby (Eds.), Health Promotion throughout the Life Span (7 th ed., pp. 28-57). Retrieved from Page Bursts Library Gender, Power and Health Module 1. (2013). Retrieved from

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