Name : Divya Sriram Raghavachar
Class and section : III semester A section
Register number : 10BBM20068
Honda is headquartered in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. The company has assembly plants around the globe. These plants are located in China, the United States, Pakistan, Canada, England, Japan, Belgium, Brazil, New Zealand, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Turkey and Perú. The company 's car models include the Accord, CR-V, Civic, Element, and Ridgeline, as well as gasoline-electric hybrid versions of the Civic and Accord. Honda 's line of motorcycles includes everything from scooters to superbikes.
Honda is a company that meets and often exceeds the expectations of car buyers. Honda is one of the most interesting carmakers out there today with a strong devotion to their independence. Even without the deep pockets of other major players like GM and Ford, Honda continues to be innovative and they keep the pressure on major players in the automotive industry.
Honda Motor Company is a Japanese multinational corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles. Honda has been the world 's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as the world 's largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. Honda is the sixth largest automobile manufacturer in the world. Honda was the first Japanese automobile manufacturer to release a dedicated luxury brand, Acura, in 1986. Aside from their core automobile and motorcycle businesses, Honda also manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft and power generators, amongst others. Since 1986, Honda has been involved with artificial intelligence/robotics research and released their ASIMO robot in 2000.
In order to identify oppurtunities and threats, a company must begin with a thorough understanding of the marketing environment