We learn that Francis has specifically returned to Frenchtown for a purpose, which is to kill Larry LaSalle. LaSalle was classed as a social good-doer at the time when he was encouraging Francis to take part in activities at the 'Wreck Centre' bring him out of his shell. Francis goes on to beat LaSalle in a table tennis competition and became well known as a 'table tennis champion'. However, we later find that Larry simply let him win. During this time, a new girl arrvies at St Jude's school who he immediately falls in love with; Nicole Renard. She had moved from Albany, New York and Francis described her as "the most beautiful girl" he had ever seen. Shy and 'timid', Francis thought of Nicole constantly but never had the courage to talk to her until she started dancing at the 'wreck centre'.
However, the main plot of the story destroys their love when Larry LaSalle sexually assaults Nicole in the 'Wreck Center', the local community center, one night. The Wreck Center had previously been a wedding hall, until a disastrous event happened where a woman was murderd during her wedding reception by her ex-boyfriend. The hall was later re-opened as the Rec. Centre, the locals of Frenchtown immediately knew it as theforeshadows the later events of Nicole being raped by LaSalle.
Francis is pressured to leave the 'wreck centre' by LaSalle so he could have "one last dance" with Nicole, and did so because they always did what "Larry LaSalle told them to do". Francis was nevertheless concerned about Nicole so he stayed outside the studio until it was over. However Francis then heard