Many people wonder how heroin works and how it can affect an addict's brain. First, there are many ways to get heroin into one's system they can inject, snort or smoke it. The heroin goes directly to one's brain and converts to something called morphine which is found in many painkillers. The morphine binds to opioid receptors which are mainly involved in the awareness of pain and control involuntary actions like breathing and heart beats. So when people take heroin, they get a rush of adrenaline and a good feeling which …show more content…
First, it makes people feel good and they get a rush, so they become dependent on it to feel normal or good again. Their body aches for the heroin or pills and they need to take it again. One kid I knew said, "It will cling to you like an obsessed lover." That is why it is so dangerous because people who are addicted don't know they are addicts at first and can potentially overdose. Also, heroin is very unpredictable and many people become tolerant to it, which means they need to take more and more to get "high" and eventually overdose.
When someone takes too much heroin or has too many opioid pills and too many opioid receptors get blocked. They stop breathing or their breathing slows down fatally, one's pulse can be very weak and slow. One's lips also turn blue and they lose all spatial awareness. If not treated quick enough the victim could die or go into a serious