Authors: Suresh Babu Chaduvula, Mohammad Fathey, Bahaeldin Ahmmed Hassan, Elsheikh Mohamed, Mamdoh Eskander
Author's Affiliation - Abha General Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia
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Objective: To see the outcome of a Heterotropic pregnancy following an IVF technology
Material and Methods: This is a case summary of a patient who was admitted in Abha General Hospital with acute abdominal pain following a successful IVF - ET technique. This patient was operated for ectopic pregnancy and later on followed up in antenatal clinic. Patient was operated at 37 weeks for uncontrolled blood pressure and for twins following prolonged history of infertility.
Introduction: Hetrtopic or Heterotropic pregnancy is presence of an intrauterine and extra-uterine pregnancy in a single given time. The intrauterine pregnacy may be a singleton or multiple pregnancies. The extra uterine pregnancy is called as ectopic pregnancy and which can be there in one of the fallopian tubes or ovary. Heterotopic pregnancy has become very common entity with advent of assisted reproductive techniques like IVF & ET [ invitrofertilisation and embryo transfer ] or ICSI [ Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ] following super ovulation with help of ovulation induction drugs. Ovulation induction drugs are many like clomifene citrate, Latrozole and HMG [ Human menopausal gonadotropins ].
This patient is a case of infertility and conceived following ovulation induction drugs like human menopausal gonadotropins. Ultrasound revealed a twin pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy at 8 weeks. At 14 weeks of gestation patient had acute abdomen and ultrasound at the time of admission revealed a rupture ectopic pregnancy. Patient underwent emergency laparotomy where right sided salpingectomy was perfomed with peritoneal lavage. Later on twin prgancy continued and delivered at 37 weeks an Elective cesarean