The High Priest during the time of Jesus was the highest and central figure of the Jewish religion apart from God. The job of the High Priest was to talk and pray to God on behalf of the people of Israel unlike a prophet who spoke to the people from God. This can been seen through Jesus Praying, as he prays to God, for himself, his disciples and all believers. Jesus also prayed for Unity, joy and protection. Beasley Murray describes the intention of the high Priestly prayer as "didactic", saying that The High Priestly Prayer should be understood as a model prayer for the Christian community.
When looking at the High Priestly prayer it can be divided up into three separate sections: * Jesus prays for himself * Jesus prays for his disciples * Jesus prays for all believers
Jesus prayed for himself in the High Priestly Prayer and states that he has been granted authority "over all people that he may give eternal life" those the father has given to him. From this it teaches that rescue from hell/death (salvation) is a gift from God rather than a reward. This is also shown in the Farewell Discourse, as eternal life is not presented as a future destination for those who have lived righteous lives but rather it is described in terms of relationship not destination.
Jesus prayed for the disciples describing them as those God gave to him out of the world. Whilst praying for his disciples Jesus says he is not praying for the world (meaning the anti-God or satanic humanity) after John outlines Jesus' concern as Jesus prays directly for the disciples. Jesus prayed that his disciples will demonstrate unity and joy and also in the world would be protected from "the evil one. Unity, joy, protection and comfort are also