2.what are the best ways to prepare for examinations?how are you going to do it?
3.do you think that exams motivate students to study?why?
4.higher education ensures better life.
these days is very important to gain secondary education. it's not only develops your mentality,but and broadens your perspective. In (CITY) the school-leaver are preparing for exams. Lithuania's main exam is the first language exam. this first language exam Is difficult and takes a lot of energy. a lot of studying people are fail this test. so, the school-leaver are studying very hard and much when to finish the tests with a good marks.
If you want are finishing the exam with good marks, you have to concentrate on what you don't know something and are progressing what you don't know, at the moment. also, calm down, learn little by little, ask the teachers, they always helps you and of course, you should believe what you do.
I think that examinations motivate you to learn more.but also, use to a lot of nerve, efforts and energy. school-leaver gets a lot of stress, exhaustion. I think that can facilitate exams and everyone would be happy. higher education ensures better life.Nowadays, higher education is important thing in better life when the person finishes final exams.the person will be able to better job with a good qualification. also, the person who has higher education, has higher intellect level.
So, higher education is important. everyone has to learn and finish at