When taking a test, remember that it is just a test. Many people get intimidated by tests thinking that they are more than they really are. They are supposed to be a review of what you have already learned in your class. Having confidence in yourself and studying well can help you do well on them.…
A good tip that will help you with your studying is to make use of flash cards. It may sound juvenile but flash cards really do make a big difference when you're studying for a brutal test or exam. The more you have in your studying arsenal, the better you'll do.…
When you are about to take a big exam, make sure you eat an adequate breakfast but keep it a little light. Don't go into a test hungry, or you'll have a lot of trouble concentrating. Do not overeat either; however, so you don't have to deal with an upset stomach.…
- By preparing for my Midterm Proctored Exam, I would study my notes daily. Every day I would try to do a quiz after I study a chapter or two chapters to boost my knowledge. I would also, print off some extra notes and diagrams off the internet or from the PowerPoints that thought would be useful for me to memorize everything that I needed to know. During the three days before the exam, I started to go by the midterm study guide and highlighted in my notes strictly everything that was going to be on the test. Then, I would just study over everything until I feel I am truly ready for the test and then pray for the best.…
Anxiety is one of the main reasons I disagree with Steve Dutch. Before staring a test or even during the test there are feelings of worry. Anxiety can be different in every person. Anxiety can be caused by fear of failing, the lack of preparation, and poor test history. Anxiety and depression association of America (ADAA) explains three types of symptoms physical, emotional and behavioral/cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms are more like headaches, nauseas, excessive sweating, and rapid heartbeat. Emotional symptoms are feeling angry, disappointed and, fearful. Lastly the…
Another very important thing to do right before the exam is to stay up late at night and play lots of video games. Doing this would help you in two distinct ways. First, you will be better able to read and write your exam the next day. This is because video games have been known to hone your mental capabilities and to improve your hand eye coordination. When you go into the exam room the next day, your hands and eyes would be seeing, well hand to eye and you will be able to write faster, clearer, and smoother. Another way that this would help would be by making you tired when you stay up late at night playing the games. Almost all teachers and…
3. Create a designated study time, and stick to it. I plan to implement an hour of study time each morning and actually hold to it. Every semester I tell myself I will study more but I never seem to find the time to and I find myself scrambling at the last minute to cram for the upcoming exam. If I set aside time and it is a part of my daily routine I can avoid all nighters the day before the exam and feel better prepared for whatever it is I will be doing that day in school.…
Andrews College in Scotland suggest that the best way to manage exam stress is to always be prepared. Make sure you know what you’re supposed to learn and that you have written all your study notes. Make a plan by working out how much time you have to revise and making a timetable is a key factor to dealing with exam stress. Vary your timetable so that you don’t feel overwhelmed when studying for exams. Getting enough exercise is one of the best ways to manage exam stress.…
(1) Exam #1 date. See your syllabus course schedule, as will be either Thursday 9/18 or Friday 9/19 during regular class time. Be on time or you may not be able to take the exam, and besides, some of you will need every class minute for the exam. Especially for freshmen, if you do not understand the pitfalls preventing some from doing well on exams and how to avoid them ... then read my article and the editorial by Dr. Allan Saxe "Why do some students succeed and others fail to achieve desired class grades, and academic goals & objectives?"…
1. What did you learn about your anxiety response? I learned that it is normal to be nervous during a test and before and that the adrenaline rush that accompanies anxiety can keep you alert and focused.…
Math exams terrify me. My palms get sweaty, I breathe too fast, and often I can’t even make my eyes focus on the paper. It’s worse if I look around, because I’d see everybody else working, and know that I’m the only one who can’t do it.…
Test day for me has come and I’m back to my anxious, terrified, and stressed self. As I sit in my desk I am beginning to feel queasy. I can’t sit still. Looking around and watching everyone else makes me wonder who I will be I class with next year.…
For my mental toughness assignment, I have chosen to improve my test taking anxiety. I have always had an underlying fear of failure, so even when I study for a test until I practically know every answer, I still fear that I will fail it, thus giving me anxiety of test taking. This week I have back to back Algebra 2 and Chemistry tests, so this will be the perfect opportunity to use the method I learned from the video shown in class.…
Test anxiety is entirely a mental problem that causes biological changes, physical altercations, and mental block in the eyes of the beholder. Causes include fear of failure, lack of preparation, and poor test history. Symptoms include clammy hands, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and muscle tension to name a few. Test anxiety can be overcome by relaxation, an attitude/mindset shift, and studying so much that you can answer any question about the topic, true or false and explain why.…
For easy understanding, test anxiety can be simply described as a condition in which the person goes through disturbing uneasiness in the period before, during and even after a test, both emotionally and physically. From another perspective, psychologists view test anxiety as an obstacle to a person's studying process and then, test performance. Test anxiety, at the bottom line, is described as an over-worry of a person over his/her test performance which affects the person's learning effectiveness and lower the test outcome. Albeit how people perceivepest anxiety, its impact to a person are not only limited to his/her study but also his/her future. Hence, after taking a look at the symptoms of test anxiety, some recommended tips for test-taking and strategies for doing well in examinations will also be introduced.…