Unit 1: Families and Households
Unit 2: Education with Research Methods
Revision pack
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation Sixth Form
Mrs Griffiths: sj-griffiths@hahc.org.uk Mr Roaf: sm-roaf@hahc.org.uk
Unit 1 exam: Thursday 17th May, am
Unit 2 exam: Friday 25th May, pm
Easter Revision: tbc
AS Syllabus: AQA Sociology GCE (new specification) Unit 1: Families and Households (SCLY1) * Worth 40% of your AS and 20% of your final A Level * Written paper, 1 hour * 60 marks available
Unit 2: Education with Research Methods (SCLY2) * Worth 60% of your AS and 30% of your final A Level * Written paper, 2 hours * 90 marks available
Timetable * Use your revision checklists to draw up a timetable for revision leading up to the exam. Make sure you cover everything, but make sure it is manageable – you can’t spend every minute working, so allow yourself some time off, both short breaks and occasional days or half days. * Try http://getrevising.co.uk/
Resources * Handouts and powerpoints from lessons are available on the shared drive and on the VLE. * Additional revision resources will be available to download from the VLE * Use the list of websites in this pack to help you identify other useful revision resources
Unit 1: Families and Households
There are 3 sections – choose the CORRECT one, Families and Households (should be section B), and answer all the questions from that section.
Time allowed: 1 hour
Maximum marks: 60
Time per mark = max 1 min.
Questions carrying 24 marks should be answered in continuous prose and you will be marked on your ability to use good English, to organise information clearly and to use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
Possible Question outlines | Marks | Timing | 06 | definition of key term, e.g. ‘primary socialisation’ | 2 marks | <2 mins | To get full marks for this question, you need