Revision Guide
Produced by
Homewood History Department
UNIT 1A : Medicine and Treatment
Your first exam is the Medicine & Treatment paper. The results of this paper make up 25% of your final grade.
The exam lasts for 1 ¼ hours. You need to answer 5 questions from this paper and there is a total of 50 marks. Very roughly, you should allow 1 minute per mark.
Types of questions you will be asked:
Question 1 (4 marks) This is a short, compulsory inference question: describe and explain – you must use both sources in your answer. “The source shows… which tells me that…”
Question 2 (9 marks) This is a longer compulsory analysis of importance question: explain why the event was important – how has the event improved our understanding of the causes of disease. (talk about peoples understanding before the event and after the event) “If it wasn’t for … then …”
Question 3 OR 4 (12 marks) You need to choose one of these to answer. They are longer analysis of factors questions: explain why something happened. Think did the factors cause change or continuity, make sure you include clear examples, which factor played the most important role and why. Remember to balance your answer – “On the one hand xxx was important but on the other hand it wasn’t important and other factors such as xxx were more important.”
Question 5 OR 6 – You need to choose one of these to answer. They will both have two parts. Question 5 will be on Medicine and Public Health from Roman Britain onwards and Question 6 will be on Public Health c1350 to the present day.
Part A (9 marks) key features question: e.g. Describe how certain improvements were made – focus on the question and explain your answer.
Part B (16 marks) analysis and evaluation question: usually it is how important an event or an individual or specific factor was in improving medicine, you will need to analyse and evaluate how medicine has changed over time. Usually a ‘how far