Hills like white elephants published in 1927 by Ernest Hemingway. This Fiction story focuses on two American people, a man and a woman whose name is Jig. They decided to spend some time having a beer in a bar close to a train station in northeastern Spain while they were waiting for their train bound to an unknown place. The pregnant woman tells the man that the hills look like white elephants, which sparks a discussion between them. The couple starts a discussion on whether the woman should get what they called an operation or not. Their relationship seems to be going through harsh times, and they wonder if the operation would solve their problems and get their relationship …show more content…
After carefully analyzing the story, it comes to a conclusion that elephants represent something nobody wants, and in the story it represents the unborn child this couple is expecting, but why elephants and not any other animal? As most people know elephants are very heavy animals and what this couple is trying to say is that having that child would be a heavy weight on their backs because it would bring to an end a life fulfilled with travel and enjoyment, but it would also increase the cost of …show more content…
(Hemingway 592) When the man and the woman are discussing about what they called the operation, it becomes unpredictable that they are not talking about any operation; they are talking about one of the most controversial subjects today around the world, abortion. As this couple is going through difficult times, the man seems to be not so happy about having a baby because it would end the fun times they were having, but it could also mean the end of their relationship if the man does not accept the child. The man tells the woman that she doesn't have to get the operation if she doesn't want to, which in reality it seems like the man is really trying to push her to get the operation to get rid of the baby. At the end the woman makes a decision and realizes that after all the hills don't really look like white elephants, which means the she is considering in keeping the baby.
In addition, when the train is arriving the man decides to take the luggage from the bar to the train station, and he tells the woman to wait until he gets back, but what does the luggage this man is carrying represent? As said before the couple is going through harsh times and what the suitcases represent is the past and the future, the past is where they were traveling, drinking and enjoying life happily with a stable relationship and the future is where several things could arise if the woman decides to have the