Rebecca Viramontes
REL 133
June 2, 2015
Brahma- God of Creation
Vishnu- God of Preservation
Shiva- God of destructions and re-creation
Shiva is the God of destruction and recreation.
He is responsible for destroying(changing) the world. In Hinduism destruction is not considered a punishment. Rather it is more of a recycling process in which the world can be purified. Shiva is often associated with a ring of fire and has four arms that stand for his powers. History of Shiva
Considered one of the most complicated Gods in the Hindu religion Shiva is responsible for the destruction of the universe after each life cycle. This allows for the recreation of the universe.
Shiva was born out of a blazing pillar. After Brahma and Vishnu attempted to find the end of the pillar. Relationships
Shiva was married twice. His first wife was Shati and his second wife was Parvati.
Parvati was considered his perfect match. . “Their love was so intense that it shook the cosmos ad frightened even the Gods”
The offspring of this union was the
God Ganesha.
Offspring of Shiva
Ganesha- This God is prayed to for success.
Kartikay- This God is known as the scientist of God.
Upper Left Arm: holds a flame symbolizing destruction Upper Right Arm: holds drum symbolizing creation and the beginning of time.
Lower Left Arm: extends out inviting an individual to dance with him and be free
Lower Right Arm: extended in blessing form Animal Companion is
Nandi a bull. The bull symbolizes fertility
Forms of Shiva
Nataraja- Shiva is dancing the eternal dance of destruction and creation
Mahadeva- the great God meditating with the moon in his hair.
Ardhanari- The formation of Shiva and Shakti, half his body is in the male for while the other is in the female form.
Five Mantras of Shiva v=nsvAVy2D3y4