After Buddhist die they are reborn and until their soul is clean. Buddhist believe Nirvana is the state of being where their can not be a temptation, greed, hatred and delusion. Nirvana is extremely hard to attain and to attain it a Buddha must revote his whole life to the Eightfold path and the four noble truths. According to, the main goal of the four noble truths is to revolves around the logical process of seeing life, seeing all actions, not as we wish to see them, but as they really are. The Eightfold path is a guideline to the faith and how you get into Nirvana. While the main goal is obtaining the state of happiness, Buddhist believe that they are in a state of evil on …show more content…
The main way that traditional Judaism believes in is resurrecting of the dead once the Messiah comes. The Messiah has initiate the perfect world of peace and prosperity, the righteous dead will be resurrected from the dead. While the unrighteous people are not resurrected because they did not follow the Mitzvot or commandments strict enough. One of the other ways of the afterlife for Jews is called Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH) and it means in the world to come as referring to being in a higher state of being after you die. For Jews to get into Olam Ha-Ba, they also have to follow the Mitzvot or commandments. One of the reasons why this isn’t the main way Jew believe in the afterlife is most branches of Judaism don’t belief in all of 613 Mitzvot if at all. The final Jewish belief of the afterlife is Gan Eden and Gehinnom. Gan Eden is the place where all of the Jews go for spiritual reward for the righteous. Only the extremely righteous people go straight to Gan Eden. In fact, the average person goes to the place of punishment, Gehinnom. In Gehinnom Jews are cleaned of their sins and then they are send to Gan Eden. This is what Jews believe is going to happen to them in the