Being an active member and participating in everything possible was very important to my family. Whether it was singing in the church choir, serving people in the kitchen or being a part of the Christmas play I was always there. As a kid serving others was the normal thing to do because that’s how my family raised me. Now that I am older it is up to me to be a light to the world and to strive to be better
person. Always trying to do the right thing, say the right words, and be a good Christian can be tough. Knowing that there is life after death makes me feel like my life here on earth has a bigger purpose. I feel that I wasn’t just brought into this world to live and die. I feel that I was put here to serve others, spread God's love, and a be helping hand to people in need.
Another reason why I think people believe in heaven is simply that they don’t want to go through life not having anything to believe in. Whether the person has a specific religion or not I think that many people believe in heaven just so that their life does not seem meaningless. I feel that it is only human nature that people wonder what happens to them after death. Majority of people would hope that things will go well for them after their lives are