When you are out and about at a health care facility, such as a hospital, what would you do if you saw a very close family friend in a patient care room? Would you instantly run in that room and say hello? Or possibly hurry up and make a phone call to a relative or another friend to ask if that person is okay? All of these questions are very common questions when it comes to the HIPAA law having great effect. The HIPAA (Health Insurance Probability and Accountable Act) law was first established in the year of 1996. The main goal of this law was to ensure that people would keep their health insurance, and to keep all of their health care records confidential and secure. I had stated a few very common questions in the paragraph above, because when I had volunteered at one of my local health care facilities, those were questions that I had encountered almost every day. As I am going to college to become a Medical Assistant, it is also very important for me to understand the rules and guide lines for patient doctor confidentially which may fall under the HIPAA law. When you receive a job in the Healthcare field, you are sworn that you will follow the rules of the HIPAA law. If the confidentially is broken, you may have a liable law suit. A patient is in a hospital or even a doctors office for many reasons! Reasons that not all people should even know about. If that patient had decided to announce why he or she was in that facility, which would be their own personal choice. If you also encounter someone at a healthcare facility, the only way you would be able to pass on that you had seen he or she, is if you personally ask that patient. Being an employee of a healthcare facility, it is my job to keep my patients safe and confidential. Since that is my job, some ways that I would try to prevent others from breaking the HIPAA law would just be simply explaining the reason on why we have this law. Also, I