
Historical Context Of Luke 14: 25-33

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Historical Context Of Luke 14: 25-33
When attempting an exegesis of any passage in the Bible, one must first try to understand the historical context. The Gospels in the New Testament are a little different, when it comes to historical context as one must understand the context on two levels.1 The first is what Jesus said and did and what that meant to those that witnessed these events. The second, since the authors of the Gospels wrote later than when the events took place, and the authors of the Gospels had their own presuppositions and purpose, one must determine what these things meant to them and to whom they were writing to.
Luke 14:25 – 33 is in the synoptic Gospel of Luke. Luke, a historian who also authored Acts, wrote the Gospel “so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”2 Therefore, Luke’s intent in authoring the Gospel of Luke was to show straightforward signs and teachings that Jesus is the Messiah; therefore, Luke wrote an exegesis of witness’ accounts about Jesus.3 Chapter 14 includes some of the most memorable parables in the New Testament; however, verses 25 – 33 are not in a parable form.
Verse 25 describes large crowds following Jesus as he left a meal at a Pharisee’s home; he stops and speaks to them. With this action, He knows not everyone has the heart to truly follow Him, so He tells them the sacrifices one must make to
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Hyperbole means “conscience exaggeration”; for example, when one is tired, they may say, “I am dead.”4 John 12:25 repeats these verses while Jesus is explaining who could be His disciple; “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” The meaning in John appears clearer since John the Apostle wrote the Gospel in a theological reflection form; thusly, the meaning is the things of this earthly world must take second place in importance to

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