CLASS IX Global times H.W.
Time Machine: What would it be like if you could travel back in time and relive those days? And whoosh…it comes true. Imagine you are a part of the history that we read today. Write a brief account of the happenings as an outsider/participant of that event. You may write it as (a)A creative piece i.e a diary entry or a protagonist or journalist (b) As a sociologist/historian etc who assess the period’s social, political and economic impact for the future.
(500 words)
¼laLd`r½x`”ekodk’k dkyhu x`gdk;Z¼d{kk&uoeh½ 1i= ys[ku&laLd`r fo”k; esa 100 izfr’kr vad izkIr gq, ,slh tkudkjh nsrs gq, vius v/;kid dks i= fy[ksaA 2- Lo fufeZr fp=L; o.kZua pRokfj okD;kfu fy[krA 3- Hkkjrh; lsuk ] ]ee fo|ky;% ] ee fiz;dfo% bfr fo”k;e~ i´~p& i´~p laLd`rokD;kfu fy[krA 4- Jh egkRek xk¡/kh egksn; ds thou ifjp; laLd`r esa fy[ksa A¼ifj;kstuk dk;Z ½
Class-9 French
1. make project based on culture and civilization
2. Prepare
Science holiday homework- biology Prepare powerpoint presentation on the topics as mentioned. Include pictures and videos for the related topics. The preparation should not exceed 10 slides.
For class IX- A, C, E, G Roll nos 1-8 9-16 17-24 25 till last roll no. For class IX- B, D, F, AFYIP Roll nos 1-8 9-16 17-24 25 till last roll no. Chemistry 1.Complete the practical file for all the three subjects. 2.Prepare powerpoint presentation on the topics as mentioned. Include pictures and videos for the related topics. The preparation should not exceed 10 slides. Roll nos 1-5 6-11 12-17 18-23 Topic for the ppt solutions suspensions colloids Separation techniques a)chromatography b)centrifugation c)crystallisation Separation techniques a)evaporation b)distillation c)fractional distillation a)metals and non metals b) compounds and
Bibliography: CLASS IX HERITAGE HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (1) ROLL NO. 1 to 10 Find out an interesting and thought provoking skit which highlights various social problems in our country in the form of a nukkad natika(street play) which is a traditional form of drama in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Also write a slogan for poster which is related to the social issue that is highlighted in skit. (2) ROLL NO. 11 to 20 Prepare a Power presentation on the festivals of Maharashtra and their significance. The social life of the people including dress can be highlighted (3) ROLL NO. 21 onwards Prepare a travel brochure on the state of Kerala which should include road maps, facilities places of tourist interest and natural spots. l=% 2013&2014 xzh"ekodk 'k x`gdk;Z d{kk & ukS fuEufyf[kr fo"k;ksa ij vuqØekad fu/kkZj.k ds vuqlkj izLrqrhdj.k ¼ih-ih-Vh-½ rS;kj dhft, % vFkok fuEufyf[kr fo”k;ksa dks vk/kkj cukdj ifj;kstuk & dk;Z rS;kj dhft,A Øe la1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 fo"k; o.kZ&fopkj] j ds :i ]vuqLokj milxZ&izR;; ] vusdkFkZd] foykse /kwy nq[k dk vf/kdkj ,ojsLV% esjh f’k[kj ;k=k jSnkl ds in jghe ds nksgs Vknehukek fxYyw ¼lap;u½ Le`fr ¼lap;u½ dYyw dqEgkj dh mukdksVh ¼lap;u½ rqe dc tkvksxs vfrfFk oSKkfud psruk ds okgd panz’ks[kj osadV jkeu dhpM+ dk dkO; /keZ dh vkM+ ‘kqdzrkjs ds leku ,d Qwy dh pkg xhr&vxhr vfXu iFk u, bykds esa [kq’kcw jprs gSa gkFk esjk NksVk&lk futh iqLrdky; gkfen [kk¡ fn, ty mBs 1]25 2]26 3]27 4]28 5]29 6]30 7]31 8]32 9]33 10] 11] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Nk=&vuqØekad