it should help readers gain an insight into discrimination and its effects. Organise this into four sections. Task 2 (P4,P5,M2,M3,D1,D2) You are to produce a booklet that explains how recent national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practices. The work placement officer asks you to include a description of how anti-discriminatory practice can be promoted in health and social care so that the booklet can be given to students before they go on placement. You have investigated in detail one recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice and your placement experiences have made you aware of the difficulties that can arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings.
You therefore decide that your booklet will include chapters as follows How recent national initiatives have promoted anti-discriminatory practice (P4) How anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social settings (P5) The impact of one recent national policy initiative that promotes anti-discriminatory practice (M2/D1) Difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings and how these may be …show more content…
overcome. (M3/D2) The BriefTask 1 (P1, P2,P3,M1) Produce an information leaflet for your training pack which explains the concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care (P1) Benefits of diversity social/cultural, eg the arts, diet, education, language, cultural enrichment, tolerance, social cohesion economic, eg employment, expertise Active promotion of equality and individual rights in health and social care settings principles of the care value base putting the patient/service user at the heart of service provision, eg providing active support, promoting individuals rights, choices and wellbeing, anti-discriminatory practice, empowering patients/service users dealing with tensions and contradictions staff development and training practical implications of confidentiality, eg recording, reporting, storing and sharing of information Individual rights the right to be respected, treated equally and not discriminated against, treated as an individual, treated in a dignified way, allowed privacy, protected from danger and harm, allowed access to information about themselves, be able to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language, cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and protects them Produce a handout for your pack which describes discriminatory practices in health and social care. (P2) Discriminatory practice types, eg infringement of rights, covert or overt abuse of power, prejudice, stereotyping, labelling, bullying, abuse Basis of discrimination factors, eg culture, disabilities, age, social class, gender, sexuality, health status, family status, cognitive ability Describes the effects discrimination can have on staff and individuals using health and social care services (P3) Effects marginalisation, disempowerment, low self-esteem and self-identity, restricted opportunities, negative behaviours such as aggression or criminality Loss of rights overriding individual rights, eg by the use of power and force statutory powers Discuss the effects of three different discriminatory practices on individuals using healthy and social care services (M1) Task 2 (P4,M2,D1) Explain how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice (P4) (You can start by explaining what is a national initiative and how it can be used to promote anti-discriminatory practice) Assess the influence of a recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice. (M2) (Choose any of the initiatives that we discussed in class such as Kick-it-Out, Show Racism the Red Card, Beat Bullying- the Big March and Anti-Bullying Week or any of the others). Evaluate the success of a recent initiative in promoting anti-discriminatory practice (D1) (For this section you will need to explain whether initiative has been successful, if not, why not What steps could be done to improve it) Task 3 (P5,M3,D2) Describe how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. (P5) Active promotion of anti-discriminatory practice ethical principles putting the patient/service user at the heart of service provision, eg providing active support consistent with the beliefs, culture and preferences of the individual, supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences, empowering individuals, promoting individuals rights, choices and wellbeing balancing individual rights with the rights of others dealing with conflicts identifying and challenging discrimination Personal beliefs and value systems influences on, eg culture, beliefs, past events, socialisation, environmental influences, health and wellbeing developing greater self-awareness and tolerance of differences committing to the care value base careful use of language working within legal, ethical and policy guidelines Discuss difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings (M3) and justify ways of overcoming difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practices in health and social care settings. (D2) Grading Criteria.EvidenceWhat you have to doP1 Explain the concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care. Information Booklet Information booklet or presentation Written reportProduce an information booklet, which explains the concepts of equality, diversity and rights in British society today. This can be done at your placement by asking people about known discriminatory practices in health and social care or you can look at health related websites, read national and local newspapers watch the news and read health magazines when searching for examples of discriminatory practice. You could use your work place experience to find out about this or research health related websites that publish evidence of the effects, and find quotes, or case studies. It is always better to get human stories if you can, as these will convey the effects of discrimination more vividly. In your report describe these potential effects.P2 Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care. P3. Describe the potential effects of discriminatory practice on those who use health or social care services. M1 Assess the effects on those using the service of three different discriminatory practices in health and social care settingsWritten reportHere you need to examine the effects of three discriminatory practices. You could follow on from the examples you used in P3 and see what effects discrimination had on the victims, the person causing the discrimination, and/or the organisation practices. Again, remember it is always good to use a human story to get the point across. You should consider the effects of the discriminatory practices in detail, identifying those that are most important.P4 Explain how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice. Written Report You will need to explain at least 2 recent initiatives by providing detailed reasons as to how and why they promote anti-discriminatory practice. Consider in detail the different aspects of the initiative, identifying which are the most important and relevant. M2 Assess the influence of a recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice. D1 Evaluate the success of a recent initiative in promoting anti-discriminatory practice.Written reportYou will need review the information and bring it together to form a conclusion as to how successful the chosen initiative has been in promoting anti-discriminatory practice. Your conclusion should be supported by the evidence you have considered as part of the assessment for M2. P5 Describe how the individual health and social care worker can actively promote anti-discriminatory practiceWritten reportYour description of how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted must be related to health and social care settings and should identify all the relevant features.M3 Discuss the difficulties that may be encountered when implementing anti-discriminatory practice. Written reportYou should consider several difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings, considering how and why difficulties encountered might differ in different settings.D2 Justify ways of overcoming difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practices in health and social care settingsWritten reportYou must provide reasons or examples to support your justification of ways to overcome possible difficulties. Optional timeline DateActivityOutcome /EvidenceGrading Criteria Assignment Brief IXgw7HYjOat2FZn O d y
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