The Portuguese reportedly found about seven million native Indians. Most of the tribes were peripatetic. They survived with limited agriculture and temporary dwellings, although villages often had as many as 5000 inhabitants. The cultural life was richly developed. The very few remaining traces of Brazil’s Indian tribes do not reveal much of their lifestyle like the Andean tribes. Today, fewer than 200,000 of Brazil 's indigenous people survive, most of who inhabit the jungle areas (Geographia, 2006).
Other Portuguese explorers followed …show more content…
Also, avoid saying anything that may make your Malaysian counterpart be embarrassed or upset. This can cause the person to "lose face" and that will lead to the end of your business dealings, more than likely. Many cultures believe that "losing face" cannot be rectified and therefore, all deals will be cancelled. Ways to cause someone to lose face besides embarrassing them include arguing with them, implying that they don 't know what they 're talking about, suggesting that they misunderstood you, or even pointing out to them that there 's food on their chin. (Associated Content,