After setting this foundation of common ground, we learned about Democracy’s history and development. One of the first documents we looked at was the Thebian Dialogue. First, let me explain the guts of the piece. To put it simply it is a document where two men argue over two forms of government, democracy and despotism. Theseus was arguing in favor of democracy whereas the Herald, also known as a messenger, was arguing in favor of despotism. After a dialogue of opposing views, it set a foundation of ideas that we can fall back on and refer to in the further developing of government. With this, too, brought to light the fact that although democracy allows every individual to contribute their opinions, it does not guarantee us any substantive rights. This is due to the absence of liberty, which was
After setting this foundation of common ground, we learned about Democracy’s history and development. One of the first documents we looked at was the Thebian Dialogue. First, let me explain the guts of the piece. To put it simply it is a document where two men argue over two forms of government, democracy and despotism. Theseus was arguing in favor of democracy whereas the Herald, also known as a messenger, was arguing in favor of despotism. After a dialogue of opposing views, it set a foundation of ideas that we can fall back on and refer to in the further developing of government. With this, too, brought to light the fact that although democracy allows every individual to contribute their opinions, it does not guarantee us any substantive rights. This is due to the absence of liberty, which was