I am going to discuss the following topics in my report. I am going to explain the historical development of the ECCE sector in Ireland up to and including the present day. * Historical development of the early childhood care and education * Current ECCE provision by the state * Health and welfare * Equal opportunity legislation * Outline maintaining a quality ECCE environment that complies with relevant regulations and standards
Main body
Historical development of the early childhood care and education
In the last 20 years Ireland has had a dramatic change in its society. Ireland has traditionally had a laissez-faire policy with respect to the childcare provision back in the day there was no such thing as drop your children off to play. Laissez-faire policy means to let the child do something. The government nowadays has been funding a free preschool year for families who cannot afford to send their children to pre-school that means the child’s best interests are kept at heart. For many years it would have been quiet tradition the men working on the farms and the mothers minding the children. Having woman in the work place was not allowed. During the ‘Celtic Tiger’ this all changed. Family structure has changed over the last century. It is way more natural these days to be raised by a single parent or step parent. Divorce was accepted into people’s lives. These days you will rarely find a housewife/ and a traditional working father. Childcare is more about mothers than fathers. In this day and age childcare settings are trying to introduce men into the setting.
There is way more support as to what would have been back in 1908. There is strengthening family’s programmes, special needs assistances, childcare committees and parents who want to be involved. There is after schools club and genuine people who really care and love children and want them to do really well.
Childcare has changed a lot as well. Before you could just
Bibliography: ttp://www.barnardos.ie/informationcentre/publicationsfreepublications/aparents_guide_to_the_child_care_preschool.regulations.htmal. Education and Care in the early years Donoghue and Gayner (2010)http://www.welfare.ie/en/pdf/cb1.pdf http:childcare act 199`1 – our children first a parent’s guide to the national child protection guidelines by Geraldine fox revised by Corinne Kingston. http://www.google.ie/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=definitionhttp://www.citizensinformation.ie/childcare/your_childcare_options.html . |