The killer whale is the Apex predator of Apex predators and nothing will eat it if it is living and breathing. It will eat almost anything it can kill. The male can grow to be 20 to 30 ft. long and the female can be 16 to 30 ft. long. The whale can be 1.5 to 6 tons or 3,000 pounds to 12,000 pounds. It has 40-48 teeth at 1 time. 10-12 on each side of its jaw. A killer whale isn’t even a whale but it is part of the dolphin family. The scientific name for it is the Orcinus Orca. They have a fierce reputation and the spanish call it the assassin whale and then it was changed to the
killer whale. It was discovered in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus.
The killer whale lives in coastal waters and the pacific northwest and the artic. It also lives on the coast of Norway and that is where they are most abundant. In captivity the males can live 17 years and the female can live 29 years.