1. The Liberal Republicans of the early 1870s
a. splintered their party and weakened Reconstruction policies
b. strengthened the national dominance of the Republican Party
c. called for more radical democratic reforms in the South
d. rejected ideas that espoused the “scientific” superiority of whites
2. Which statement about the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction is NOT true?
a. Republican governors never created policies that resulted in the arrest of members
b. They attempted to stop blacks from using their right to vote
c. Blacks and whites who supported democratic reforms were attacked by members
d. Their acts of terrorism caused Republicans in the U.S. Congress to pass anti-Klan laws
3. “Scientific racism” was characterized in the 1870s by all of the following ideas EXCEPT
a. the belief that minority voters were responsible for supporting corrupt officials
b. the belief that blacks and immigrants were not capable of understanding democracy
c. the belief that blacks and immigrants controlled both houses of the U.S. Congress
d. the belief that government can do nothing to curb the inferiority of some people
4. Southern Democrats who called their victories in the elections of 1876 “Redemption,” portrayed themselves as the
a. saviors of the South from the injustices of Republican rule
b. leaders who had saved the Union from Confederate treason
c. true descendants of the abolitionists
d. loyal supporters of Ulysses S. Grant
5. A long-lasting legacy of the ideas of the Southern Democrats of this era was
a. the commitment to achieving civil rights for all minorities
b. the establishment of the “solid South” as a Republican stronghold
c. the fostering of antagonistic race relations throughout the South
d. the promotion of pro-Union versions of the Civil War
6. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was weakened by all of the following factors EXCEPT
a. the death of the bill’s sponsor, Charles Sumner,