The first issue to address here is the contested definition of the word “Holocaust”. In this essay, “The Holocaust” will be used to describe only the state sanctioned murder of millions whilst the Nazi Party was in power from 19-x to19-x. The second issue of contention that needs to be addressed is who did the Nazi’s persecute? and which groups of people are to be included in the mass-murder of the Holocaust? Many argue that the Holocaust should only include European Jewry, however, other groups were involved in being murdered en mass, such as the Romani, …show more content…
Using heavy military spending and a mixed economy, huge public facilities were contructed, and an influx of jobs and economic stability appeared to return, causing public support for the Nazi government.
Anti-semitism, the hatred of Jewish People, was the main form of racism employed under Nazi rule. This Racism was an important part of the Nazi Regime, Jewish people, Romani, Disabled, Homosexuals and Black People were all persecuted under the ideals of racial purification. The Nazi Regime idolised “Aryanism”, the idea that the Germanic race were the purest representation of Aryanism and were therefore the “Master Race.” Any who were deemed undesirable, such as Jewish people, or people who opposed this, or any other aspect of Hitler’s rule, were killed, imprisoned or forced into exile. Education turned to “Racial Biology”, “Population Biology” and preparedness for military service. Hitler made an agreement with the Catholic church. Hitler would ignore them, as long as they did not interfere with his rise to power. (Reference 2) Other churches and religions were oppressed. Educational and career opportunities for women and girls were suppressed. The 1936 Olympics advertised Nazi Germany on the world-stage. Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, used film, rallies and Hitler’s incredible speech-making abilities to control public opinion. (Reference