|absolute and relative poverty. You will also read about the relationship between poverty and inequality, covering the types of |
|inequality between gender and class and also, the extent of poverty in the current British context. I will also cover causes of |
|poverty and inequality using sociological theories. Ending this report you will read into the effects of poverty and inequality in |
|relation to behaviour, experiences and life chances on young people. |
| |
|Poverty can be defined as “The state or condition of having little or no money or material possessions”, (Oxford English |
|Dictionary). There has been two approaches brought forward by sociologists and these are absolute and relative poverty. Absolute |
|poverty refers to basic conditions being met for an individual or group to live in a physically healthy state. These conditions |
|include sufficient food, shelter and clothing; if these are not met, it is seen as absolute poverty. (Townsend 1979). The second |
|approach is relative poverty and is based upon the standard of the overall living in society. It is when individuals or groups are |
|living to a lesser standard to others within the society. |
| |
|Another factor that can cause inequality within society is class. This relates to a division of groups within society. Class has |
|been seen as a major factor determining “the production, distribution and redistribution of
References: | |What causes poverty by John H Mckendrick | |Miller, Janet (Care in Practice for Higher Still) 1996 | |Oxford English Dictionary | |Townsend, P(Poverty in the United Kingdom) 1979 | |www.bbc.com/news | |www.savethechildren.com | |Word Count |1053 |