Poverty, how do we define this? Whichever way you look at poverty whether it be at a certain point in time, a place or a certain group of people, poverty is always subjective and relative to an individuals situation. In researching definitions to help explain poverty the following two definitions seem to help give clarity for the purposes of this essay.
"Poverty is defined relative to the standards of living in a society at a specific time. People live in poverty when they are denied an income sufficient for their material needs and when these circumstances exclude them …show more content…
An income which does not currently rise in line with inflation
(the cost of living) and therefore is an ever decreasing circle of potential poverty for the elderly. References:
Conference Board of Canada. (2013). Elderly Poverty. Available: http://www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/details/society/elderly-poverty.aspx. Last accessed 23rd October 2013.
Haralambos & Holborn. (2008). Age & the Life Course. In: Martin Holborn &
Robin Heald sociology themes & perspectives. London: harper Collins. 750 751.
Haralambos & Holborn . (2008). Sociological perspectives. In: Martin Holborn
& Robin Heald sociology themes & perspectives. 7th ed. London: harper
Collins. 1-17.
JRF. (2013). Poverty twice as likely for ethnic minority groups. Available: www.jrf.org.uk/media-centre/poverty-twice-likely-minority-ethnic-groupseducation-fails-close-gap. Last accessed 18th October 2013.
World Bank Organisation & Scottish Poverty Information Unit.
(2013).Definitions of Poverty. Available: http://www.poverty.ac.uk/definitionspoverty. Last accessed 23rd October