Holiday Decision Making Trends: A Case Study
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Holiday Decision Making Trends: A Case Study
Consumer/client behavior is the analysis of the intellectual processes and perceived tendencies that are observed during the search, use and sale of an object, service and product. The need to study consumer tendencies and analysis of what is important and necessary for the zenith of the marketing tactic is very much needed. The client decision process is a sequence of stages of practices that a consumer/client undertakes when deciding to buy any object, product, software or service. Any client/consumer who takes a decision follows a five pronged approach to buying any product.
This is the conventional decision process that is traditional. It is very important that the market representative study and master the decision process of consumers. There are various steps that are taken for deciding on the product. The marketer needs to be successfully sell the market by understand this process. There are five critical parts of the conventional decision process that are: Recognition of need, searching for information, Searching and testing the alternatives, Buying and Post evaluation of the process. The first stage is the recognition of need. When a client/consumer knows a special requirement that has not been addressed, that requirement will need to be met. There are two separate types of requirement identification system that clients/consumers usually apply.
The first type of consumer is the one who decides to purchase a product only when the existing product does not live up to his or her expectations. There are aptly called the actual aspect clients. The second group of clients/consumers is the ones who need product out of want, not necessity. They are known as the desire aspect clients. This desire for them to have a –product actually fuels their decision making process.
References: Peter Robinson. (2008). Holiday decision making: the family perspective. Available: pp. 22-24 Michael Richarme. (2004). Consumer Decision Making Models, Strategies and Theories. Available: pp. 234-237 Lars Perner PhD . (1999). Consumer Behaviour: Psychology Of Marketing. Available: pp.140-157 Hawkins, Delbert, Best, Roger, Coney, Kenneth (2003). Consumer Behaviour: Building Marketing Strategy. London: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. pp. 71-99. Leon G.Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Havard Hansen (2008). Consumer Behaviour. England: Pearson Education Limited. pp. 75-91.