Early Experiences
Today I have certainly not lost my joy, but I have learned a few things on how to be patient and wait on the prodding of the Lord instead of always jumping into a situation with Gospel guns blazing. Of course there is no joy like the joy of leading someone to the Lord. The oldest and probably one of the most exciting encounters I have had with someone was a 67 year old man who had a reputation of drinking too much. He had visited our church on occasion and one Monday night, a deacon from our church and I went to this man's house and visited with him. We talked about the weather and other unimportant things. When I felt the time was right, I asked him how he felt when he came to church. He admitted he felt that people stared at him and made him very uncomfortable. I felt in my spirit that it was nothing more than conviction he really felt. I asked him if he were to die tonight, would he go to heaven? He answered, "No". I asked if I could share just a few verses with him and he agreed. I employed the Share Jesus without Fear method. I have used this method many times because I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit using the actual Word of God read out loud. We went through the verses. He agreed he was a sinner, he agreed he needed a Saviour, and he