The issue of paying an upfront sum for beer brewing supplies puts a lot of people off getting involved with it. They calculate that they could have a few nights at their local bar for the same cost and think to themselves that it would be a lot less effort to do so too. However, look at the situation beyond just a few weeks ahead and you'll see that home brewing is a much better option. After the initial amount that you pay for the kit and supplies, which is little more than the cost of a few crates anyway, you'll have the potential to make enough beer to see you through the next couple of months. …show more content…
It must be better to just let the breweries take care of all of the behind the scenes stuff for us, right? Well, yes, the breweries are there to make your life easier, but think of it this way - it's like eating out at a restaurant all of time compared to cooking at home yourself. At first restaurant food seems better than anything you could possibly cook yourself, but, with a little practice, you soon develop your own recipes that are superior. It's exactly the same with beer