St Clair College
Professor Gina Bondy & Debbie Ferraari
October 31, 2016 Page Break Home health nursing is an independent form of nursing. It allows patients to maintain living in their home while a nurse comes by and assists them. It is defined as " the provision of healthcare services and equipment's to client's and families in the homes" (Potter & Perry, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to gather an insight on the role of a home health nurse. A qualitative approach has been established to understand how do the role of home health nurses affect the care of their patients?
Community based nursing is a synonym to home health nursing. This form of nursing takes place within the …show more content…
Home health nursing is family-centered care (Ayers et al., 1999; CHNC, 2010). Any home health nurse must have the ability to make quick decisions and think critically. They must be able to make health assessments and create outcomes that are suitable for their patient. According to Potter and Perry (2014) "components of health home nursing practice include self-care as a client and family responsibilities; preventive care; care within the community context; continuity of care between home and health system services; and collaborative client care among health practitioners" (p 45). The delivery of home health care nursing services has grown tremendously and changed drastically (Daley and Miller, 1996). Statistics demonstrate the massive jump between years and it only seems to be growing. Home health nurses are in demand now more than ever due to the ever increasing age population. In 2010 there were 74.1 million individuals over the age of 55 years old. Majority of home health nurses assist these certain individuals. They must create interventions and possibilities for their clients that are suitable for them. They must defend their patients no matter the individual or health are provider that