Adding to the normal gas, electric, heating and water bills comes the new repair and maintenance costs. To protect this valuable assist you have insurance, of course, but that doesn't prevent the trouble. In evaluating how secure any home is takes into account many factors that attribute to the overall safety. In taking this class, I am beginning to look upon security in a whole new way.
As such when I evaluated my own home I was both pleased and disturbed at what I found.
I live in the neighborhood of East New York in Brooklyn, NY. I moved there about ten years ago when a gentrification project started putting up new houses. At the time the neighborhood had a very bad reputation, a lot of which was rightfully or maybe wrongfully earned. The crime rate was much higher and safety was a big concern. Since returning I have noticed very big changes in the surrounding area and though crime is still a factor much has improved.
My home is pretty normal with the average driveway and backyard space. There are 3 floors including a basement, with access to the street from the door and basement door. Both of which are located in front of the house. There are windows to the outside front and back on every floor, and a extra door to a balcony that overlooks the backyard. The house is connected on both sides to another home. And finally there is a front gate with a driveway and walkthrough entrance to the house.
In searching for weaknesses the first major one is the lack of any kind of monitoring system. It is common knowledge that many burglaries happen when the residence is