There are of course some cons to homeschooling as well. Homeschooling can be more expensive than public schooling; also some teachers may not be qualified to teach in all areas of study. Public school has its pros and cons as well. When children are allowed to attend public schools, “they learn in group settings, and they have access to more extra-curricular activities” ( Now to look at the other side of the coin, public school has a “high student-teacher ratio, scheduled learning, and the school choose the curriculum” (…
Have you ever wanted to be homeschooled? Most students will go to a public school and may think that being homeschooled is a lot better. Homeschooling is fine but going to a public school may be able to better help students. There are a lot of reasons why going to a public school would be better than being homeschooled. Students that go to a public school are more likely to graduate, have better social skills, and have better jobs. Homeschooling may stop students from ever leaving their home or town. This is because of the students social skills.…
Another topic regarding home school is cost. It costs money to get the curriculum, the tools, and the supplies to become an educator for your children. Regular public school is free, and there is just as much learning.…
While most kids attend public schools to receive an education, there are some people who choose to have their kids home schooled. There are many reasons for parents to choose either way for their children to receive their education. In my essay, I will show that there are similarities and differences between the two methods I will show how either option equally as good as the other.…
A lot of people choose homeschooling over public school because they belive that kids could get a better education homeschooled than at public school. In a public school, students have to learn at the speed of the other students in the class, not by how much they learn. This slows down how fast the student learns. But in homeschooling, it is a one on one education, where the speed of the subject is based on the individual student, not he whole class. Based on a study by the National Home Education Research Institute, it shows that students that are homeschooled graduate college at a higher rate of 66.7% compared to public school student who graduate at a rate of 57.5%.…
We 're all familiar with the popular images of homeschoolers in America: Extreme fundamentalist families shutting out all other points of view. These stereotypes are touted freely by the popular media and conventional schooling experts alike. But they have little to do with the realities of homeschooling for most families today, and are rarely backed by factual data. The average home-schooled student scored “81 points higher on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) than did the general population in 2000”. (Winters) At the National Spelling Bee in 2000, the top three winners were home-schooled. Studies show that, “home-schooled children also tend to score higher on basic skills testing than do public school children”. (Winters) According to the Wall Street Journal, “Evidence is mounting that homeschooling, once confined to the political and religious fringe, has achieved results not only on par with public education, but in some ways surpassing it.” (Reider) However, one subject continues to surface whenever the issue of home schooling arises. Public school administrators, teachers, and parents are all concerned about whether home schooling can be considered a good process of education. Therefore, I intend to prove that home-schooled children are properly socialized, fully educated and college admissions increasing acceptance rates of home schooled applicants prove that they’re prepared for the next level of education.…
There are many different views on which kind of schooling is better. Some people believe that homeschooling is the best way to educate their kids, or traditional public schools are the way to go. There are some parents that believe that paying the extra cost of private school is the best bang for the buck for their kid’s education. Home schooling has become more and more popular in that last 40 years. Back in the 1970’s no one even heard or knew what it was. In the late 70’s “there were only about 15,000 children being home schooled” (Grossman 2001) and 2007 there were around 1 million home schooled students and in the latest for 2012 there was 2 million home schooled students. In fall 2013, around 50 million students did attend public or private school. So is public/private school better or worse for your child over homeschooling them?…
Home schooling has only been in existence for 150 years whereas the public schools have been active for 360 years and counting. With more stability and experience, the public schools have more to offer because they know what they are doing because they have professionals and courses that are fit for the success of all the students. Because home schooling is so new, it is hard to decipher how it truly works. Because the parents are inexperienced, they would not be able to successfully grab their students¡¯ attentions because of the lack of focus most students face when in a home environment. However there are some similarities in the courses taught in home schooling. Home schooling works in two different ways. The first provides the child with a focus on a subject that particularly interests him and the other is to have a general course such as the one a public school would provide. Although the general courses are the same, the mind of the student will develop in totally different ways.…
Although homeschool education may have its advantages, public school education offers a more well-organized and effective setting for a student to learn and prosper. The famous philosopher named Plato once stated, “Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” This quotation is highly influential. It is imperative to consider the different educational necessities of children when deciding whether homeschooling or public education is the best academic choice. It is a blessing to live in a country where parents can take a step back and find the education choice that best suits our children.…
The debate continues and often will turn into heated arguments between the two opposing sides. The side of the fence that you choose is ultimately your decision on what type of education your child receives. Homeschooling may have many benefits, a public school education may provide a better learning environment for a student to learn and succeed.…
"Parents of 136 homeschooled elementary children completed questionnaires assessing constructs derived from the parental involvement literature and personal beliefs identified in the homeschooling literature as important to parents’ decisions to home school. Results suggest that home-schooling parents appear to be motivated by an active role construction, strong sense of efficacy for helping the child learn, and positive perceptions of life context"(1). This shows that parents who choose to home school are very motivated to allow their children to succeed as best they can, also that they would want their children to learn every lesson possible, contrary to the belief that they want to shelter them.…
Deciding which is better between public education and home schooling may often cause a debate. There are similarities between them, such as both being a good source of education for students. However, there are a few differences. For instance, home schooled students may graduate earlier than public schooled students while public school has more to offer. Even though home schooling has an advantage, public education is a better educational experience because of the opportunity, social skill development, and the things a student can learn from being in a class size of more than one.…
Home schooling is an issue constantly in the spotlight. There are people on both ends of the spectrum; home schooling could be the greatest thing to happen or the worst. Many parents will choose to home school because they have an issue with the other systems of schooling for one reason or another. A parent may home school because he would like complete control of his child’s curriculum (Hurley). In many cases, this relates to a stricter religion within the family. A parent might feel that his child would be corrupted by the general curriculum of a public school, especially one that does not pertain to the family’s respective religion. Another reason many choose to home school is that other methods of schooling are too crowded. Parents say that they “want their child to have a more individualized approach to education which can only be met in the home environment.” Also, the social environment in public schools is not deemed appropriate by many parents. This coincides with the point that…
Without a structural environment that a public school provides, students don't learn how to handle deadlines and rules. This really can hurt these students later in life, especially in the business world. Students need to learn how to listen to authority figures, besides their parents. They need to be able to follow someone else's guidelines and work under pressure. Due to the lack of deadlines and stress in their homeschool environment, students have less practice in handling pressure. This makes students that attended public schools more attractive to businesses. And due to the lack of interaction with their peers, homeschooled students have fewer social skills and less practice with teamwork, which definitely disables…
I. Attention getter: “Homeschooling and public schooling are as opposite as two sides of a coin. In a homeschooling environment, the teacher need NOT be certified, but the child MUST learn. In a public school environment, the teacher MUST be certified, but the child need NOT learn.” ― Gene Royer…