Islam 219
November 26, 2013
Homeland Insecurity: How Immigrant
Muslims Naturalize America in Islam
“Immigrants must feel at home not only in the privacy of their own homes but also in the culture of society.” (597) The Muslim population is rapidly increasing especially in the western world, from converts to those who originate from Islamic backgrounds.
According to the article there are about six million Muslims in the United States of America. However, despite the common misbelieve they have very few things in common, one is their religion and two is their experience in a new country. Muslims have different perceptions of how the religion must be practiced, just as Christians have different perceptions of how to practice,
perceive it from Catholicism, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist etc… As we study the religion of Islam we must know that each culture, upbringing and environment plays a huge role in the defiance of their religion and that because it is foreign to us we must not clump it into one category.
Unfortunately, it is known for American to base our knowledge on just about anything on media or shows like Saturday Night live. I believe as a nation we are ignorant and rely on these shows instead of researching various sources such as scholars, books and even make the time to have the opportunity to submerge yourself or expose yourself into what you are in search of.
My best friend, Ilaff is from Morocco. She chose to wear the scarf when she was 17 years old, so she tells me. She states that being a Muslim in the western world is a challenge in itself, especially when someone decided to wear a piece of clothing that can be taken as controversial. She is one of those 6 million Muslims in America that know that their religion is and can be widely misunderstood especially after September 11.
I really enjoyed this expert; I believe that it addressed an important issue that America faces, and many times it is not talked about. I think from any standpoint, does not matter what religion we choose, or what background we came from, I know that we can relate to it, if we keep an open mind.